This store is located on rue de Maubeuge (9e arrondissement).
The store mainly offers poker supplies and related books. They also sell roulettes, board games, card games. There is a poker table in the shop and you can take a poker lesson there.
They have another store in St German.
42 rue de Maubeuge
75009 Paris
Tel: 01 42 80 91 14
Web site: www.docteurstratageme.com/magasin_paris9/index.php (in French)
5-minute walk from Cadet (Metro linge 7)
See also The list of Board Game Stores in Paris
Any place in Paris where I can buy English version of board game like Agricola, puerto rico and Settlers of Catan?
Most board games sold in Paris are translated into French, even the title of the games. (e.g The Settlers of Catan > Les Colons de CATANE (Fr), Lost Cities > Les Cités Perdues (Fr)).
As far as I know, the board game stores in Paris sell only French edition ones.
You can get the game with no language dependency such as TIKAL with a rule booklet in English, French and German, though.
Thanks for a quick reply. These blogs are very useful.
Any comments would be appreciated.
Bonjour! I am visiting Paris in the next few weeks and I am looking to buy a French Scrabble set. Any suggestions on where to obtain one? Someone recommended BHV but I cannot seem to find board games on their website and I want to be as sure as possible so I can plan out métro trains and whatnot. Merci!
I think you will find one in most of the toy stores in Paris. Even in a big supermarket like Carrefour.
If you are also interested in euro board games, visit Dascartes Meissioner. They sell Scrabble, too. The problem is it is a little far away from the center of Paris.
If you go around the Opera, I recommend you to visit Le Damier de l’Opera.
Near St Michel, visit Varientes. You may find a book about Scrabble in French in the shop.
If you go shopping to the Forum des Halles, you will find one in a toy store such as Apache.
PagesJaunes will also help you.
Good luck and enjoy your stay in Paris!!
Great blog! Thanks to you I have been able to find RailRoad Tycoon, Acquire, Mamma Mia, Le Havre, among others all in english!
Do you play with any game groups? I have loads of english games (well not that many) but just my wife and I to play with.
Playing Agricola in French is quite the task. I have it in english and at times I even find that daunting!
What store do you think has the best selection for 'jeu de societé'?
Hi Minken,
I sometimes play board games with a group which hosts a board game party once a month.
I play games with my French friends, but not quite often.
I think Descartes Meissonier has the most board games to buy, but OYA cafe which I posted today also a good store to play board games.
i am a gamer, and i run a group called board games bash in Bombay/Mumbai India,
i am traveling to Paris in end of july and and intend to buy some board games , but i want the rules to be in english any suggestions please
Most board games sold in Paris are translated into French.
As far as I know, the board game stores in Paris sell only French edition ones.
But some stores sell games published by US company like REO GRAND GAME.
It includes instructions in English.
You can also get games with no language dependency with English rules.
Games with highly language dependency are mostly translated into French. But You may download English rules in seller's website.
So you may find some games with rules in English, but it depends on games you're looking for.
Good luck!
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